Seamus McCluskey

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  • William Carleton Summer School 2013

    William Carleton Summer School 2013

    Summer School 2013 Programme The twenty second William Carleton Summer School was held in Monaghan and Emyvale from Friday 2 to Sunday 4 August AND in Clogher from Monday 5 to Thursday 8 August 2013. Please click on the image of the cover to read the full programme.

  • William Carleton Summer School 2003

    William Carleton Summer School 2003

    Summer School 2003 Programme The twelfth William Carleton Summer School was held from Monday 4 to Friday 8 August 2003. Please click on the image of the cover to read the full programme.

  • William Carleton Summer School 2002

    William Carleton Summer School 2002

    Summer School 2002 Programme The eleventh William Carleton Summer School was held from Monday 5 to Friday 9 August 2002. Please click on the image of the cover to read the full programme.